Every news story has to have a focus, which could be a
person or an event. Thestory emerges sharper when the focus is clear and
blurred when the focus isunclear. A news story is built on a central idea
(theme), sometimes on two or threecentral ideas. So it is called as single
element story or two-element story or three-element story depending on the
number of themes it has.Journalists use many different kinds of frameworks for
organizing stories.Journalists may tell some stories chronologically. Other
stories may read like agood suspense novel that culminates with the revelation
of some dramatic piece of information at the end. Still other stories will
start in the present, then flashback tothe past to fill in details important to
a fuller understanding of the story. All aregood approaches under particular
1. Inverted pyramid:
By far the simplest and most common story structure isone
called the "inverted pyramid." To understand what the "inverted
pyramid" name means, picture an upside-down triangle -one with the
narrowtip pointing downward and the broad base pointing upward. The broad
baserepresents the most newsworthy information in the news story, and thenarrow
tip represents the least newsworthy information in the news story.When you
write a story in inverted pyramid format, you put the mostnewsworthy
information at the beginning of the story and the leastnewsworthy information
at the end.
Before computers, newspaper copy was cut with scissors to
fit a space on thenews page. Editors cut the copy from the bottom up, chopping
off the leastimportant information that reporters put on the ends of their
stories. Thesedays, with so much competition from TV, radio, and the Internet,
reporterstend to cover their pyramids with cake frosting. They want to hook
even themost distracted readers. So they write a lead, statement, before the
mainnews story. A good lead gives readers the feeling that they have a front
seatfor the action and provides a reason to keep reading.
2. Story telling style:
this approach to news writing is used mostly inmagazines. It
is a style that is very familiar to all of us. News stories are toldin the
order in which they happened, i.e. , what happened first, whathappened second, etc. This is
known as telling a story in chronologicalorder. This style is used to hold the reader’s interest and
stimulate someimagination to see, feel, and understand the news. This is also
narrative approach.
3. Personalized approach:
3. Personalized approach:
This style is rarely used in the newspaper stories.This is
the first person approach and the reporter gives a personal account of the
incident, which took place on the spot where he/she was present personally. The
reporter on the television and radio will mostly use thisapproach to news reporting
and not the newspaper news reports.
4. Chronological news writing:
In this type of writing, the information is given in a
chronological order instead of information given in descending order of
importance as in inverted pyramid.Source: Internet
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