Genre Theory and Classifications Genre films are distinguished by a characteristic set of conventions in style, subject matter, and values. Genre is a convenient way of focusing and organizing the story materials. Many genre films are directed a specific audience.
Some common genres of films are Western, Family, Drama, Sci-fi film, Action, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Crime, Horror, War and Comedy.
“Conventional definitions of the genre are based on the idea that they share particular convention of content e.g. Themes or setting” – David Chandler.
Until the 1970s films were not generally specified as a particular genre, film genres help to categorize films, allowing more meaningful comparisons.
1. The Action Genre:
Action Films act like an escape for the audience, Action Films include the renowned James Bond. Conventions of the action genre: High energy Stunts and Chases Fights and Destruction Explosions Adventure Hero and Villain.
2. The Comedy Genre:
Within the Comedy genre there are many sub-genres including slapstick, spoofs and parody and romantic comedies. The obvious aim of a comedy film is to make the audience laugh, the conventions of the comedy genre include; Light hearted plots One- Liners Jokes.
3. Crime Genre:
As the media's obsession with crime, gangsters and young offenders escalate, more and more modern gangster films are being produced. This type of film focuses on the sinister actions of criminals and mobsters.
4. Drama Genre:
This genre do not generally focus on special effects or comedy, Dramas are often plot driven and serious, they portray realistic characters and life settings. Dramas are all about character development and involve life stories. Common themes within a drama include; Drug addiction Racism Corruption Domestic Violence Mental illness
5. Historical Genre:
Historical films are often very elaborate and set against a panoramic backdrop. Conventions of Historical films include; Myths Legends Lavish Costume Dramatic Scope Sweeping Musical Score.
6. The Sci-fi Genre:
Science fiction (Sci-fi) films are often futuristic, visionary and imaginative, conventions of the Sci-fi genre include; Heroes and Villains Aliens/ Outer Space Quests Futuristic Technology Human existence being in danger.
7. The Horror Genre:
Our worst fears are captivated within a Horror film, their sole purpose is to scare its audience, while captivating and entertaining. Horror films are often terrifying and shocking.
(Source - Internet)
Some common genres of films are Western, Family, Drama, Sci-fi film, Action, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Crime, Horror, War and Comedy.
“Conventional definitions of the genre are based on the idea that they share particular convention of content e.g. Themes or setting” – David Chandler.
Until the 1970s films were not generally specified as a particular genre, film genres help to categorize films, allowing more meaningful comparisons.
1. The Action Genre:
Action Films act like an escape for the audience, Action Films include the renowned James Bond. Conventions of the action genre: High energy Stunts and Chases Fights and Destruction Explosions Adventure Hero and Villain.
2. The Comedy Genre:
Within the Comedy genre there are many sub-genres including slapstick, spoofs and parody and romantic comedies. The obvious aim of a comedy film is to make the audience laugh, the conventions of the comedy genre include; Light hearted plots One- Liners Jokes.
3. Crime Genre:
As the media's obsession with crime, gangsters and young offenders escalate, more and more modern gangster films are being produced. This type of film focuses on the sinister actions of criminals and mobsters.
4. Drama Genre:
This genre do not generally focus on special effects or comedy, Dramas are often plot driven and serious, they portray realistic characters and life settings. Dramas are all about character development and involve life stories. Common themes within a drama include; Drug addiction Racism Corruption Domestic Violence Mental illness
5. Historical Genre:
Historical films are often very elaborate and set against a panoramic backdrop. Conventions of Historical films include; Myths Legends Lavish Costume Dramatic Scope Sweeping Musical Score.
6. The Sci-fi Genre:
Science fiction (Sci-fi) films are often futuristic, visionary and imaginative, conventions of the Sci-fi genre include; Heroes and Villains Aliens/ Outer Space Quests Futuristic Technology Human existence being in danger.
7. The Horror Genre:
Our worst fears are captivated within a Horror film, their sole purpose is to scare its audience, while captivating and entertaining. Horror films are often terrifying and shocking.
(Source - Internet)
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