Well, you started a blog and day by day you nurtured it with constant and relevant postings. You also filled your sidebar(s) with great gadgets. And, submitted your blog link to the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Live and Askjeeves. One month passed, and it seems no visitors came or you cannot know their numbers. Next month some of your friends visited your blog and left comments. Finally you can see someone visited. But you realize this kind of informal tracking is not comparative or coherent enough.
As a newbie blogger I am sure you want to track the hits on your
blog. Tracking can also help in following and converting one time visitors to
regular loyal visitors. I also faced similar problems during my primordial
stage. I surfed the internet to learn more about the concept of tracking and
came to know the best services available. Further, since paid tracking was not
an option and I looked for something accurate and free. So you might want to
track your visitors and visiting trend like Page views, Unique Visitors,
Loyalty or Returning Count, Time on Site, Country, ISP (Internet service
Provider), Referral Links, Outgoing Links or Exit Links.
Don't worry; there are solutions as every problem has one. What do
you think? Am not I speaking the truth? Oh leave it, but that's the truth. And
your problem has got some solutions. So, read on and discover those solutions.
In the internet there are so many sites which provide Visitors
Tracking Service. Some of them are free to use and some of them are limited.
Hold on, I will be discussing those solutions with their plus points and