Madhur Bhandarkar has always believed in tackling varied themes in his films. From TRISHAKTI, his directorial debut, to AAN, his last release, his films have had something to say. Irrespective of their box-office outcome, the fact cannot be denied that Madhur is an avid storyteller.
Madhur?s latest endeavour PAGE 3 also tackles an unusually realistic theme.
As the title suggests, PAGE 3 delves into the lives of the rich and famous. It takes potshots at the upper strata ? right from gay fashion designers, to struggling actors, to social workers, to socialites. Even the media isn?t spared!
PAGE 3 takes the viewer to a world that?s surreal, where relationships and friendships are capricious, where people lead dual lives, sporting a [false] mask all the while. In short, PAGE 3 exposes, ridicules, mocks and scoffs at the lives of Page 3 personalities.
Madhur?s latest endeavour PAGE 3 also tackles an unusually realistic theme.
As the title suggests, PAGE 3 delves into the lives of the rich and famous. It takes potshots at the upper strata ? right from gay fashion designers, to struggling actors, to social workers, to socialites. Even the media isn?t spared!
PAGE 3 takes the viewer to a world that?s surreal, where relationships and friendships are capricious, where people lead dual lives, sporting a [false] mask all the while. In short, PAGE 3 exposes, ridicules, mocks and scoffs at the lives of Page 3 personalities.